Friday, July 8, 2011


Bodypump class at gym-1 hour

I don't really have much to report today.  I did go to the Bodypump class at my gym.  I increased my weight today on the bar, so I'm sure that I will be feeling it tomorrow!  I'm still struggling with those planks.  I think I may need to take my friend Miss Griffin's advice and do some everyday and increase the time.

My friend Lauren and I have been going between two different clubs for the Bodypump class.  Sadly, we found out that they are replacing both of the weekday (during hours that normal people work) classes with my nemesis:  Zumba. We may have to suck it up and go.  Ugh!

Either Saturday or Sunday I plan on doing Week 1 Day 3 of my Couch to 5K plan.  Until tomorrow.....

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Setbacks and Comebacks, and Work-Out Scenery

Week 2 Day 1 of Couch to 5K-2 miles

Bodypump class at my gym-1 excruciating hour

Week 2 Day 2 of Couch to 5K-2 miles

Well, I'm back.  

Where have I been?  Not working out...and I was ashamed to admit that, especially on a blog that I started to chronicle my new "healthy lifestyle".  And the more that time passed, the more embarrassed I was.  Anyway, I picked myself up and started over again.  Hopefully you can appreciate my honesty.  

So, I have been making a big effort to eat better this week.  Tonight I am going out to dinner (hopefully for Pad Thai) and I am going to have them box up half of the serving for me to take home for tomorrow. I hope that is where we go, as I have already made this "plan".  But, my friend is making the restaurant choice tonight so I will roll with the punches.  

So, my funny story?  I have what I would like to call a "creeper" who lives in my apartment building.  This man is in his 60's and wears his hear in a long, gray ponytail.  He is usually standing in front of the apartment building talking on his cell phone and wearing white dress shoes, shorts, and no shirt.  George Clooney he is not.  On Monday, when I went to do my running, I was on a treadmill in my apartment's workout center which faces the pool area.  Well, here comes Creeper, laden with beach towels, to the pool area.  He takes THREE pool-side chairs and arranges his myriad of towels on them.  Then he disrobes to reveal....a SPEEDO!  I nearly fell off the treadmill.  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, my treadmill was DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF HIM.  Ugh.  When I went to workout today, I noticed that he was back at the pool area. I chose a treadmill that faced a wall this time.  A blank wall was better than what I faced on Monday.  

I hope that everyone has a wonderful day!  

Today's question:
What song is currently on your head right now?