Thursday, November 3, 2011

Longer than I intended!

Workout: 2.18 miles at the school track

Well, I didn't mean for such a long break between runs. Monday, I can't remember why I didn't run, but I'm sure it was flimsy. Tuesday, I had a special education paperwork catastrophe. Yesterday, my friend had to cancel on me. But today, I ran.

I decided to go back to W5D1 of C25K. It consists of:
Warm up 5 minutes
Run 5 minutes
Walk 3 minutes
Run 5 minutes
Walk 3 minutes
Run 5 minutes
Cool Down 5 minutes

I didn't know how it was going to go because of my break from running. Surprisingly, it went okay. It was hard and I was slower than I wanted to be. But the important thing is that I ran. I plan on going back out there tomorrow.

I decided to change something else. Now that it is going to start getting darker earlier, I've decided to go run right after school. I brought my clothes with me to school, which is an accountability thing for me. It's hard to leave school in my regular clothes when I have a bag of work-out clothes with me. And I can't wear my workout clothes if I am not going to workout!

On Saturday I am running in the Spirit Run 5K. I will probably do W5D3 of C25K during the run as well as adding a few more bursts of running. After this race is the Dallas Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. Hopefully I will be running more by then.

Tomorrow morning, I weigh in again. Last week, I did not lose an ounce, which is frustrating. I hope I have a loss this week. I would really like to have lost 15 pounds by Christmas, so I can get my ear pierced before I go to see my family in Arkansas! I'm into shock value! ;)

I hope everyone has a wonderful evening!!!


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Location:Dallas,United States

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